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These past couple weeks I've been getting really into exploring more of Vancouver. I've lived here for most of my life but I just realized, just like a very big percentage of people who live in Vancouver, I haven't really every deeply explored this beautiful city and the many new places it has.

So I have started to go exploring in downtown and gastown on the weekends with friends, and we have already found so many cool places and we recently have become obsessed with finding rooftops. This may sound weird just when you hear that, but the thing that I love so much about rooftops is that it allows you to explore more of the beautiful city of Vancouver but at the same time be able to go to places that maybe aren't the "to go" spot for pictures and a great view.

And I had to learn very quickly that sometimes you have set backs when you are going out to find these places; blocked ladders, the place wasn't like you expected or simply you just can't get in. Because sometimes to access these places you either need a special pass to get into the building or it's shut down.

But we haven't let this stop us and it is always a great adventure when we go out and explore, so I strongly encourage all of you to gather some friends up, go out and explore your own city.

Until next time,

Sydney xxx




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