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On Friday was the last day of school before Spring Break for my school. So of course I had to celebrate in some type of way, so in fourth block my friend and I decided to venter out into Yale town for some ice cream. And on the bucket list of ice cream places to hit was a place called Mister ice cream.

So Mister ice cream creates their ice cream with liquid nitrogen, which wouldn't be a new experience. But the thing that caught my eye was not only how aestethically pleasing their ice cream looked, but that they had certain flavours with a creme brûlée top. Which I had never seen before, and thought was a very clever idea. Intrigued enough, to bus downtown after school and get lost a couple of times before we found the place.

So now onto what I thought of Mister's ice cream. Before I had even enter the store I already had a feeling that I was going to love it. Not going to lie the ice cream was a lot smaller than I first thought and the price for what your getting is a little pricey. But once you taste their ice cream it is all worth it. The nitrogen which is a natural element that makes up approximately 78% of our atmosphere. In its natural liquid state, nitrogen has an extraordinarily low boiling point of -196 degree Celsius. By using liquid nitrogen in the production process, Mister is able to rapidly freeze the product at ultra low temperatures which results in much smaller ice crystals and less air than found in traditional ice cream.

Their ice cream is extremely rich and creamy but not excessive. And I ended up finding the ratio of ice cream perfect. I would definitely recommend going their and getting one of their creme brûlée ice creams or really anything of the amazing flavours that they offer.

Until next time,

Sydney xxx




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