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This year I was given an amazing opportunity through an organization called Live Different, who allowed me the chance to travel to the Dominican Republic for 10 days. Our mission while down there was to help build a house for an amazing family, who otherwise wouldn't ever be able to achieve this dream. Due to the large number of student volunteers for this trip; Live Different was able to then help organize for us the opportunity to build three different homes for three unique families from the village of La Union.

Prior to the trip I wasn't sure what to expect or how in the small span of 10 days a group of students would be able to make any impact on some other people's lives in a small village in the Dominican. I feel that we did accomplish in building these homes, however this trip has taught me more than I could ever imagined. The incredible people that I had met along the way have forever left an impression on how I view the world, each of my response to actions here in Vancouver can have an affect on someone in my local community or halfway around the world.

Lastly I am humbled by the greatest gift the people of La Union have shown me is the significance of empathy. It is important as youth for us to consider how we can make a little or a big impact on another person's life. Are you contemplating on how you might be able to do this - simply by volunteering your time, whether it's just for an hour or something ongoing within your own community or through an organization that supports communities from around the world. "Time" is probably the hardest for any of us to give as we all live in our own comfortable busy bubbles with our own unique perceptions on the world. When we take a step outside of our personal bubble, we then develop a crucial personal understanding of how others experience the world. When we try to understand other people's experiences and perspectives that is when we are taught empathy. Empathy creates connections between people and always moving us to connect on a deeper level, closing the gap on our big world. Video:

Until next time,

Sydney xxx




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