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This week I'm super excited because I will be sharing with you guys some tips and tricks, that I have learned about looking like a million bucks but only having to spend $30 on an outfit.

Here are some of my favourite websites where I can always find super trendy things for much cheaper:


Pretty Little Thing-



Go Jane-

Public Desire-

Nasty Gal-

Tip #1:

You don't always have to buy the designer stuff, there are a ton of great websites out there that make remakes of popular and trendy items. This being said, it does not make you in any form on a lower level just because you have a dupe or lookalike of an item.

Tip #2:

Don't be afraid to go thrift shopping, there are tons of clothing items that you can find that turn out to be brand names. All it takes is a bit of patience and some deep digging, but you can find some really unique and stunning pieces if you go in with an open mind, which now directly leads me to my next tip.

Tip #3:

Layer, mix it up and accessorize, this is one of my favorite tips. Pair your more expensive shoes with that shirt you got off the sales rack that cost you $10, nobody will be able to tell the difference but in the end you will be left with a killer looking outfit. Jewelry will also be your best friend, it is easy enough to find from places like Forever 21 or Zara for a good price while at the same time upgrading your outfits without looking trashy or cheap. A good rule of thumb for jewelry is less is more.

Tip #4:

The sale section is your dream land if you ask any of my friends they will all tell you that I go running towards the sale section the minute we enter any store and I have no shame about it. I think of the sale section as the place where they have the items, priced at what they actually are supposed to sell them for. If you ever see a piece in a store and you need it in your wardrobe but after you buy it, it will break your bank, wait a couple of weeks till it goes on sale, trust me it will go on sale.

Tip #5:

My final tip that I can't stress enough is that no matter how much or how little you spend on your outfits. It is just as important that you wear them with confidence, even if it's as simple as a hoodie don't let the hoodie wear you, you wear the hoodie, everything looks better on a confident person. And it's ok to look in the mirror and think damn I look good today, that doesn't make you a cocky or self-centered person, it does get to that point though when you start to think that you're better than other people because of the brands that you wear.

Until next time,

Sydney xxx




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