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Quite recently I have made a new lifestyle choice, it's not to go vegan, vegetarian or even raw vegan. But to instead go sugar-free, which essentially means that I cut out all foods that contain added sugars, that aren't naturally found in the foods. Unfortunately, this means I would have to cut out a lot of our everyday processed foods.

Now I'm not one to tell people how they should live their lives or what they should or shouldn't be eating, but I don't think it hurts to share my personal viewpoint and experiences. Surprisingly, since becoming sugar-free, I feel like I have more energy than normal. A good quote that applies to this situation is "out of sight, out of mind". Normally we don't think about how the food we are putting into our bodies is really affecting the insides of us since we can't really see the effects. Having more energy is fantastic but it's not the greatest benefit of this lifestyle as I see it! Nowadays we all have very busy lives and we are constantly on the run and just eating whatever. However, when you have to take time out of your day to prepare these meals, it allows life to slow down and for you to focus on yourself for a while. This lifestyle is challenging at first but it is not out of reach for anybody, and you can still eat delicious sugar-free foods.

I'm not a big fan of using the word "diet" because the first thing that pops into my head is that it is something constraining and that you're depriving yourself of something so instead, I see this more as a lifestyle guideline. I always try my best to stay sugar-free but some days you just need to treat yourself and if your body is telling you that it wants that chocolate chip cookie, then allow yourself an indulgence once in a while. So if you're looking for a way to personally and mentally better yourself, this might be a step in the right direction. I have put some sugar-free recipe websites below that have tons of awesome foods to try out.


Until next time,

Sydney xxx




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